Data and Analytics
Launch Mobility Platform
Data Fuels Growth
In the new mobility sector, you are continuously refining your service offering to maximize product-market fit. Access to your business’s data is a must-have that provides insight into what you’re doing and when, what’s going well, what might need to improve, and why.
We established an analytics engine specifically suited for delivering business intelligence and managing optimizations behind the scenes.
Use our simple no-code interface, available in our LM Mission Control™ management portal, to access all the rich, unified data generated by your operation. Armed with this data, you'll test hypotheses and make decisions confidently.
Mobility is in constant evolution. Launch Mobility accelerates that evolution by putting the power of data in your hands. Our new analytics engine gives you the edge in building higher performance mobility solutions.
Contact us to learn more about Launch Mobility's secure, efficient and scalable data tools.